Community Care Link
Monday, 29 April 2024
Support & Grow North East is so proud to announce our formal partnership with Mindstars to deliver Poverty Intervention Services from our new hub to North Shields!
Our new project 'Community Care Link' will provide crisis food parcels, toiletries, clothing and access to our proven pathway out of poverty, while also providing access to Mindstars excellent parent and child mental health programmes.
This project will be supported by our Volunteer Area Managers already embedded in the community. We are 'of the community, for the community'.We will look to work collaboratively with other local grass roots provisions to provide linked up services and are excited to work with our neighbours in North Shields. We are community led.
This project is in response to the needs of the North Shields Community. Yesterday our team saw 15 new faces needing food. All were given food without judgement. Out of those, 3 were helped access benefits they were entitled to but had not yet claimed, 4 were also provided with clothing, 2 were supported to access alcohol recovery services, 1 accessed emergency medical care using our telephone and with our support. All are now engaged in our Growth Model.
We are truly excited to expand into this community with our new colleagues, however, we are now in need of more volunteers! If you would like to be involved, please get in touch however suits you and we will work around you. We are also now supporting more families, but do not have increased donations to keep up with this - if you are able to spare anything then please do, at either of our hubs in Shiremoor or North Shields.
Hopefully, this will be the 2nd hub of many in the North East!